Iris (now 5.5 years) has had a completely uneventful autumn and winter. Her skin is fantastic, and she is no longer using the medicated cream mixture. She gets the occasional tiny spot (5p/dime sized or smaller) on an elbow or knee crease, but these tend to clear with diprobase on its own. She used so little medicated cream between July and January that I have most of the pot left, and I am not remotely averse to using it again if we need it, but the fact is, we don't!
Bea (2.5 years) has had something of a tumultuous time between October and December, with illness after illness after illness, all mostly colds and coughs. Her skin flared with each one, and I did not manage the flares properly at first (I was out of practice as her skin had been so stable for so long!). However, I consulted Dr. Aron and we got back on the right track. By Christmas, we were down to one app every other day again and by January we were back to twice a week. Excitingly, the antibiotic cream has been removed from her compound, but her skin remains gorgeous! She has recently had another bug, quite a severe one in fact, enough to be admitted to the children's ward of our local hospital, but her skin was mostly fantastic--only her face flared a bit, but not severely.
So, we are still thrilled to the bone with this therapy and still would recommend it to ANYONE suffering from eczema. A year after all the fear of TSW and the horror of failing conventional treatments, we are exactly where we hoped we'd be: eczema in remission (in the case of my eldest) or well managed with minimal treatment (in the case of my youngest), and all achieved without suffering and under the guidance of one of the most attentive and effective practitioners we have ever known.
So, we are still thrilled to the bone with this therapy and still would recommend it to ANYONE suffering from eczema. A year after all the fear of TSW and the horror of failing conventional treatments, we are exactly where we hoped we'd be: eczema in remission (in the case of my eldest) or well managed with minimal treatment (in the case of my youngest), and all achieved without suffering and under the guidance of one of the most attentive and effective practitioners we have ever known.
Below are some photos I posted of the girls on the Dr Aron Eczema Treatment Discussion Group on Facebook as a 'nearly one year on' update a few weeks ago (I've tried to protect Iris' modesty in her photos, hence the reason they are of some of her worst areas as opposed to full body!). Magic, as Iris describes it :)